Professor Rosalind Thomas
MA Oxf, PhD Lond, FBA
Professor of Greek History, Dyson-Macgregor Fellow, Jowett Lecturer and Tutor in Ancient History
Academic subject(s):
- Core subject area: Ancient history of Greece and Rome, especially archaic and classical Greek history (9th century–4th century BC).
- Teaching: Most Greek history including: early Greek world and Herodotus’ Histories, 650–479 BC; Thuydides and the Greek world, 479–403 BC; end of the Peloponnesian War to death of Philip II, 403–336 BC; Athenian democracy; Thucydides and the West; Aristophanes’ political comedy. Roman history: Rome, Italy and Empire from Caesar to Claudius, 46 BC AD 54; politics, society and culture from Nero to Hadrian; Tacitus and Tiberius. Equivalent graduate papers, and graduate students working on Greek history and historiography.
- Research interests: Greek political, cultural and intellectual history; literacy, oral tradition and orality in the Greek world; Greek historiography, especially Herodotus, Thucydides, 4th-century historiography; Greek law and society – origins of Greek law; Greek interaction with the Persian empire, Greeks and barbarians; the Greek city-state and its past.