Dr Frederick Smith

BA Warwick, MPhil PhD Camb
Early Career Fellow in Early Modern History

Academic subject(s):

  • Core subject area: British and European history in the early modern period 
  • Teaching: I teach undergraduate papers in British and European early modern history, especially ‘History of the British Isles 4: Reformation, Revolution, Restoration’. I also contribute to the Historical Methods and Disciplines papers. At graduate level, I contribute to the teaching of Theory & Methods. 
  • Research interests: I have a long-standing interest in the history of exile and mobility, and the ways in which these phenomena shaped the history of Catholicism and Protestantism during the religious upheavals of the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe. This forms the subject of my first book, Transnational Catholicism in Tudor England (Oxford, forthcoming 2022). My current project explores perceptions of religious radicalism in early modern Britain between 1500 and 1800, focussing in particular on the phenomenon of Anabaptism. 

For further details of my research and publications, please see my departmental web page.